Sydney Clarke

:: in March 16, 2015 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Sydney Clarke

One of the turning points for me was when I received my first iPod, or my first “real” piece of technology. I remember begging my mom for weeks to get me one for my birthday, insisting that my Sony Walkman just wasn’t good enough anymore. After relentless persisting, she finally…

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Devi Kinkhabwala

:: in March 16, 2015 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Devi Kinkhabwala

I was in fifth grade when I got my first cell phone. It feels like just yesterday that I staring with wide eyes at the pink and white wrapped box that held my long awaited elementary school graduation gift. The hot pink Razr inside that box represented much more than…

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Samantha Krupicka

:: in March 16, 2015 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Samantha Krupicka

Like many young adults, I consider myself to be attached to my cell phone in nearly every way but physically. I use my phone constantly throughout the day, and oftentimes find myself absentmindedly checking social medias like Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter even if I unlocked the screen for other purposes….

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Jaclyn Sisselman

:: in March 16, 2015 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Jaclyn Sisselman

My childhood consisted of my sister and I sitting criss-cross applesauce on the living room floor in front of our small TV watching endless amounts of Disney films. We would run to our plastic box filled to the rim with Little Mermaid, Lion King, and countless other VHS films to…

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Rae Robey

:: in March 16, 2015 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Rae Robey

Considering how much of our time is dedicated to broadcasting visual proof of our day-to-day lives, it’s no wonder that my peers and I have come to be known as the “selfie generation.” It is now nearly impossible to escape the lens, with anything from phones, tablets and laptops to…

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Emma Slayton

:: in March 16, 2015 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Emma Slayton

My iPhone is easily the thing I depend on most in my life. I take great care of it because I use it for most aspects of my daily routine. I use it for my schedule, my social media, my reminders, my phone calls, my pictures, my calculator, and my…

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Samantha Levitt

:: in March 16, 2015 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Samantha Levitt

I cannot go a day without my phone. The same can be said about the charger, as well, because the phone is virtually useless without the charger. My days start off with the sound of the alarm ringing at the highest possible volume from my phone. One could say I…

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Jamie Klebanow

:: in March 16, 2015 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Jamie Klebanow

Since I was young, I have been slave to a small plastic plug-in creature with a long, long tail. This small creature (or the plethora of creatures I have acquired and collected over the years) has brought me life through social networking, communicating, and even time wasting. Coming in black…

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Alexis Gavrelis

:: in March 16, 2015 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Alexis Gavrelis

I received my first cellphone when I was 10 years old. I like to think of it as a product of divorce. It was a flip phone, no camera—it was strictly to use it for calling home and staying in touch when I wasn’t. When I was with my dad,…

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Asma Awad

:: in February 24, 2015 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Asma Awad

My first cellphone has sentimental value, and I can’t bring myself to throw it away. To this day, it sits in the back of my desk drawer. Initially, it served as a backup in case I ever broke or lost its replacement. However, it never found its way to the…

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