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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
1-Aug-2013 | Novel Model-Based Estimators for the Purposes of Fault Detection and Diagnosis | Gadsden SA; Song Y; Habibi SR |
Feb-2013 | Kalman filtering strategies utilizing the chattering effects of the smooth variable structure filter | Al-Shabi M; Gadsden SA; Habibi SR |
Mar-2014 | Combined cubature Kalman and smooth variable structure filtering: A robust nonlinear estimation strategy | Gadsden SA; Al-Shabi M; Arasaratnam I; Habibi SR |
1-Jan-2014 | Kalman and smooth variable structure filters for robust estimation | Gadsden SA; Habibi S; Kirubarajan T |
14-Jun-2023 | Towards a second-generation robotic telescope mount for the air-LUSI instrument | Newton A; McCafferty-Leroux A; Gadsden SA; Turpie KR |
14-Jun-2023 | A robust fault detection and identification strategy for aerospace systems | Lee AS; Hilal W; Ciampini D; Gadsden SA; Al-Shabi M |
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