Showing results 12150 to 12169 of 23987
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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
23-May-2013 | Keynote talk – Child's Play: Musical Prodigies and Child Labour | Warwick, Jacqueline |
25-May-2013 | Keynote talk – Music and/as Cultural Labour | Stahl, Matt |
5-May-2021 | Keynote talk: Edward Greenspon (Public Policy Forum) | Greenspon, Edward |
3-May-2021 | Keynote talk: Jesse Wente (Indigenous Screen Office) | Wente, Jesse |
7-May-2021 | Keynote talk: Joan Jenkinson (Black Screen Office) | Jenkinson, Joan |
4-May-2021 | Keynote talk: Sharon McGowan and Susan Brinton (Women in Film and Television-Vancouver; University of British Columbia) | McGowan, Sharon; Brinton, Susan |
Sep-1990 | Kicking Against Tradition | Wilkshire, Claire Elizabeth |
2013 | Kidney conditions associated with hypertension in pregnancy | Nevis, Franklin Preethi Immaculate |
Oct-2011 | Kierkegaard and the Longing for God | Graham, Glen A. |
Sep-1981 | Kierkegaard on Understanding and Indirect Communication | Yeo, Michael Terrence |
Oct-2011 | Kierkegaard's Apocalyptic Theology: Temporality, Epistemology and Politics in Practice in Christianity | Baker, Graham |
Sep-1991 | Kierkegaard's Understanding of Socrates | Boulter, Jordan Stephen |
3-May-1990 | A Kimberlite, Its Mineralogy, and Implications | Convery, Thie |
2019 | Kindergarten Prevalence of Children with Special Needs in Ontario and Developmental Health Outcomes at School Entry and Grade 3 | Noor, Salmi Tahseen |
Nov-1998 | Kindling and Activation-Induced Hippocampal Plasticity | Adams, Chick Beth |
May-1986 | Kindling and Plasticity of the Hippocampal Inhibitory System | de, Jonge Cornelus Maarten |
2018 | "The Kindness of Uncle Sam"?: American Aid to France and the Politics of Postwar Relief, 1944-1948 | Gataveckas, Brittany |
Apr-1987 | Kinematic Analysis And Metamorphic Character Of A Shear Zone In The Thelon Front, Artillery Lake Area, District of Mackenzie, N.W.T. | Miller, Stuart Malcolm |
Apr-2012 | A Kinematic Control Framework for Asymmetric Semi-autonomous Teleoperation Systems | Malysz, Pawel |
Dec-2005 | Kinematic Enveloping Grasp Planning Method for Robotic Dexterous Hands and Three-Dimensional Objects | Salimi, Shahram |