A: Psalterium

The Psalter contains the ordinary parts of the Office that are sung through on a regular basis: the Psalms, distributed amongst the Hours of Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline for each day of the week; the ordinary Antiphons for the Psalms; the ordinary Hymns for each Hour; the Canticles; the Preces, &c. In the Sarum Psalter Matins and Lauds of Sunday comes first, followed by Prime, Terce, Sext and None for the week. Then follows Matins and Lauds for the weekdays, Monday through Saturday. Next comes Vespers from Sunday through to Saturday, followed by Compline for the week. Compline includes its Propers for the seasons and feasts of the year.
(After Lauds of Sunday and Lauds of Monday appear the common Memorials throughout the year.)
The Psalter also contains the Seven Penitential Psalms, the Litany, the Office of the Dead, and the Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Psalter also contains the Common of Saints, comprising the common elements used on the various saints’ days throughout the year.
The Psalter also contains several special Offices which are not part of the regular Kalendar: the Commemoration of Saint Thomas of Canterbury, the Translation and Commemoration of Saint Chad, the Feast of the Icon of the Lord, and the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Psalter also contains the Office of the Blessing of Salt and Water and the Blessing of Bread.
Following the Table of Ranks of Feasts, the Psalter provides the Ordinary of the Mass and a collection of Votive Masses.

The Latin Psalter, including the Common of Saints, is now complete.

File Date Pages Sound files
Dominica Matutinas Laudes May, 2021 [1]-[58] A-01
Prime May, 2021 [59]-[126] A-02
Tertiam Sextam Nonam May, 2021 [127]-[156] A-03
Feria Secunda Matutinas Laudes May, 2021 [157]-[198] A-04
Feria Tertia Matutinas Laudes May, 2021 [199]-[218] A-05
Feria Quarta Matutinas Laudes May, 2021 [219]-[238] A-06
Feria Quinta Matutinas Laudes May, 2021 [239]-[262] A-07
Feria Sexta Matutinas Laudes May, 2021 [263]-[286] A-08
Sabbato Matutinas Laudes May, 2021 [287]-[310] A-09
Vesperas June, 2022 [311]-[364] A-10
Completorium June, 2022 [365]-[412] A-11
Psalmi Penitentiales &c. June 2022 [417]-[444] A-12
Officium Mortuorum June 2022 [445]-[474] A-13
Servitium BVM June 2022 [465]-[516] A-14
S. Thomas &c. June 2022 [517]-[554] A-15
Presentatio BVM &c. June 2022 [555]-[609] A-16
Commune Sanctorum 1 June 2022 [610]-[636] A-17
Commune Sanctorum 2 June 2022 [637]-[673] A-18
Commune Sanctorum 3 June 2022 [674]-[722] A-19
Commune Sanctorum 4 June 2022 [723]-[767] A-20
Commune Sanctorum 5 June 2022 [768]-[846] A-21
Commune Sanctorum 6 June 2022 [847]-[908] A-22
Tabula festorum divisione &c. June 2022 [909]-[999] A-23