Tyler Fox

:: in April 22, 2014 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Tyler Fox

I can imagine the future episode of “Hoarders” that features me. The emotional scene that attempts to explain the reasons behind the shocking amount of teetering piles of consumer electronics through which I navigate between on clearly unsafe, narrow trails, is a revelation of guilt. It’s first-world guilt: the cognizance…

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Paul Juricic

:: in March 13, 2014 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Paul Juricic

I collect stuff, especially old stuff. Maybe it’s because I’m challenged to let things go but I like to think that I hold onto the old based on its ability to inspire the new. This is especially true when it comes to my fondness for old technology. Earning a living…

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Richelle Esther Cripe

:: in February 20, 2014 :: in Stories :: Comments Off on Richelle Esther Cripe

History of Devices Cell phones For the older phones (2003-2008), I am making a guess on the exact model based on image searches and what I remember my phone looking like…I didn’t keep any records. 2003 – Nokia 3595 – this was my first cell phone – i don’t remember…

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