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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
May-1972 | The Social Status of Blacks in Toronto | Austin, William Bobby |
2001 | The process of caring: Nurses' perspectives on caring for women who end pregnancies for fetal anomaly | Chiappetta-Swanson, Ann Catherine |
Apr-1988 | State Regulation of the Inshore and Inland Fisheries of Newfoundland: A Study of the Regulatory Role of Federal Fishery Officers | Phyne, John G. |
1931 | Immigration and The Cultural Development of Canada | Wright, E. |
Apr-1915 | Dependent and Neglected Children in the City of Toronto | Allen, H. |
1967 | Identity and its maintenance in later life a social network approach | MacRae, Marlene Hazel |
1921 | Democracy and Ethnic Fusion | MacKay, Corday |
Aug-1967 | The Brethern of Early Christianity: A Study of a World-Rejecting Sect. | Clark, Gordon Peter |
17-Mar-1933 | The Problems of the Subnormal Family | Douglas, C. T. |
1915 | The Church in a Rural Community | Fitch, Robert Ernest |