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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
May-1968 | A Descriptive Analysis of the Morphology of Prairie Mounds in Southern Alberta | Jordan, Dianne, E. |
Mar-1973 | Far-Infrared Absorption in Insb | Koteles, Emil Steve |
Feb-1989 | Swelling and Creep Damage Accumulation in Hot-Pressed Alumina | Robertson, Gordon A. |
Dec-1998 | Reconstructing Population History from Past Peoples Using Ancient DNA and Historic Records Analysis: The Upper Canadian Pioneers and Land Resources | Dudar, Christopher J. |
Aug-1984 | Genotoxic and Carcinogenic Activity of Oil Refinery Effluents | Metcalfe, David Christopher |
1992 | The role of expiratory muscle activity in ventilation during exercise | Inman, David Mark |
Feb-1975 | The Idea of Dualism in Some Shorter Works of D.H. Lawrence | Grayson, Evelyn Donna |
Apr-1970 | The Burtch Fellowship Group | Perks, Allan J. |
14-Nov-1994 | The Social Situation in 1 Peter | Hammer, Keir |
Feb-1990 | Photon Absorptiometry in Three Component Systems Bone Mineral at the Spine and in the Presence of a Hip Prosthesis | Farrell, Joseph Thomas |
- 673 English
- 441 Chemistry
- 400 Physics
- 317 Geography
- 266 Sociology
- 262 Philosophy
- 258 Chemical Engineering
- 232 Biology
- 232 Geology
- 212 Mechanical Engineering
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- 599 English Language and Literature
- 283 Religion
- 252 Sociology
- 245 Chemistry
- 229 Physics
- 222 Philosophy
- 207 Medical Sciences
- 178 English
- 169 Geography
- 167 Biology
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Date issued
- 1733 1990 - 1999
- 1632 1980 - 1989
- 2366 1970 - 1979
- 689 1960 - 1969
- 21 1950 - 1959
- 14 1940 - 1949
- 28 1930 - 1939
- 13 1920 - 1929
- 9 1912 - 1919