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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
Sep-1971 | Time and Ilusion in The Iceman Cometh. | White, John Anthony |
1971 | A Study of Mordecai Richler | Cockerton, Laurence Clive |
1971 | Landscape Images in Selected Canadian Prose | Cox, James |
Nov-1971 | The Feminine Principle in Hemingway | Vince, Coburn Jane |
1971 | Paul Zindel and the Theme of Desolation in American Drama | Dulman, Lewis Martin |
May-1971 | The Shifting Persona in Jonathan Swift's A Tale of a Tub | Wallace, Harriette |
1971 | Tharmas in The Four Zones | Veldhuis, A. |
Nov-1971 | Henry James : A Critical Study of the Supernatural Tales | Duncan, Thomasin M. |
1971 | Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews: A Structural Analysis | Pottinger, John Andrew |
Oct-1971 | The Regional Novel in Nova Scotia: A Study of Raddall, Buckler and Bruce. | Valicek, Vladimir I. |