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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
1964 | Beowulf: The Concept of the Hero | Brender, Brandis Marianne à. |
Sep-1968 | The Development of The Hemingway Hero | Malone, Dennis J. |
Oct-1968 | The Leatherstocking Tales: An Analysis of the Development of Cooper's Mythic Hero | Watson, W. |
1967 | Isaac Rosenberg: Glimpses of a Plan Terrific | Searle, Richard Christopher |
Oct-1968 | Lawrence on Society | Wright, William Dennis |
Aug-1963 | The Novels of William Golding | Miller, Earle Gary |
Oct-1969 | Theme and Form in the Work of W.B.Yeats 1935-1939 | Holland, James Patrick |
1969 | The Adaptation of Works of Literacy Merit to the Film and Television Forms | Gardner, Robert |
Oct-1969 | Thomas Shadwell: Restoration Humours and Manners | O'Rourke, Warren |
Oct-1967 | Vanity Fair, Pendennis, Esmond, and The Newcomes: A Study in the Element of Dramatic Form in the Central Novels of W. M. Thackeray | McDermott, Derek |