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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
1976 | A Study of William Shakespeare's Timon of Athens | Rubin, David Leon |
1976 | Bram Stoker's Dracula and the Gothic Tradition | Gates, David |
1974 | The Gentleman's Magazine: 1770 - 1780 - A Study in the ExpressIon of Editorial Opinion | Bryant, Robert William |
1971 | A Study of Mordecai Richler | Cockerton, Laurence Clive |
1976 | Negative Capability and Wise Passiveness | Goellnicht, Crichlow Donald |
Aug-1975 | Into the farther timber | Fraser, Wayne |
1976 | The Trilogy of Samuel Beckett | Bastable, Elisabeth Siona |
1976 | H. K. Browne's Illustrations in Charles Dickens' Middle Novels: Martin Chuzzlewit, Dombey and Son, and Bleak House | Blacklock, David Willam |
1975 | The Grappling Hands of Spiritual Forces in Old English Poetry | Haliburton, Mary-Sue |
1977 | An Author's Craft: Central Comic Figure of George Farquhar | Brown, Krehbiel Karen |