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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
1971 | The Beggar's Opera of John Gay | Tandan, Verna |
1972 | A Study of the Possible Influence of the Criticism of Matthew Arnold upon the Critical Theories and Poetic Practice of Gerard Manley Hopkins | Stothart, Margaret |
1967 | Bernard Shaw as a Poetic Dramatist | Stow, Mary Glenys |
1968 | Heroism in Middlemarch | Riddoch, Andrew Thomas |
1964 | The Relations between Donne's Elegies and Ovid's Amores | Zunder, Lymbry William |
1972 | "A revolution in the human spirit": An Analysis of Impulse and Impulsive Behaviour in Ibsen's Drama | Kamarik, Thomas |
1968 | Ulysses: Reception and Reputation, 1918-1930 | Clarkson, James |
1980 | The First Stage in the Itinerary of Ua Cleirigh: A Study of Austin Clarke's Early Poetry | Lafferty, Joseph James |
1969 | Tristram Shandy: A Reflection of the Development of Humour | Jarko, Oksana D. |
1967 | John Donne and the Legacy of Petrarch | Widmeyer, Earl E. |
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