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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
Jul-1988 | Sergeant of Outposts: One Editor's Role in Post-War Poetry | Meyer, Miller Bruce |
Nov-1988 | The Pageant of Empire: Paul Scott's The Raj Quartet and Related Versions of Imperialism in the Anglo-Indian Novel | Srivastava, Aruna |
Feb-1988 | Spoken in God Faith: Narrators in The Raj Quartet | Terpstra, Angela |
Sep-1988 | The Shandean Matrices | Deluzio, David Jefferey |
Sep-1988 | The Island and the Word: The Nature of Language in Robinson Crusoe | Alexander, Robert |
Aug-1988 | Reading and Writing Emily Carr | Parkinson, John Edward |
Sep-1988 | Inside and Around the Urn: A Phenomenological Reading of Keats's Odes | Hamelin, Christine |
Oct-1988 | "Going Up the River on a Bicycle": An Examination of the trilogy of novels by Edna O'Brien | Baird, Jean |
Sep-1988 | The Ladybird Novellas: D.H. Lawrence's Use of Mythic and Realistic Components | Anderson, Britt Lisa |
Sep-1988 | "All of this is surrounded by darkness": A Night at the Movies | Zimmerman, Ian |