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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
1971 | The Clergy in English-Canadian Fiction | McLean, Hugh Kenneth |
Oct-1971 | The Use of HoIinshed's Chronicles in Three Tudor Historical Dramas | Lisk, Ruth Maryann |
Oct-1971 | The Regional Novel in Nova Scotia: A Study of Raddall, Buckler and Bruce | Valicek, Vladimir |
Oct-1971 | The Myth of Canadian Virtue | Travers, Ernest Michael |
Sep-1971 | The Historical Idea of Character and The Canterbury Tales | Wood, Elizabeth Caroline |
1971 | The Social Criticism of Charles Dickens: A Point of View | McCarthy, Christine V. |
1971 | A Study of W. B. Yeat's Idea of Style | Bagchee, Shyamal |
Nov-1971 | Beowulf and Typological Symbolism | Helder, Willem |
Oct-1971 | Sir Gawain and the Green Knight as "crystemas gomen" | David, Tudor Gareth |
1971 | Three Tragedies by John Ford | Larsen, James Frederick |