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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
1909 | J.-B. Isabey; sa vie, son temps, 1767-1855, suivi du Catalogue de l˛oeuvre gravee par et d˛apr·es Isabey, | Basily-Callimaki, E. |
1902 | Southern Germany. Handbook for travellers, | Karl Baedeker (Firm) |
1914 | Bernini, and other studies in the history of art, | Norton, Richard |
1922 | The drawings and engravings of William Blake, | Binyon, Laurence |
1923 | Mediaeval craftsmanship and the modern amateur, more particularly with reference to metal and enamel, | Wethered, Newton |
1903 | William Ellery Channing, minister of religion | Chadwick, White John |
1910 | Cuba, | Wright, Aloha Irene |
1913 | The children's home-finder : the story of Annie MacPherson and Louisa Birt | Birt, Lilian M. |
1910 | Millet, | Turner, Moore Percy |
1919 | Hellenic conceptions of peace, | Cladwell, Everett Wallace |
Date issued
- 13 1920 - 1923
- 43 1910 - 1919
- 26 1900 - 1909