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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
1916 | Venetian painting in America; the fifteenth century, | Berenson, Bernard |
1920 | Byzantine and Romanesque architecture, | Jackson, Thomas Graham |
1916 | Jacopo Carucci da Pontormo, his life and work, | Clapp, Mortimer Frederick |
1915 | Runic and heroic poems of the old Teutonic peoples, | Dickins, Bruce |
1916 | Interiors, fireplaces, & fvrniture of the Italian renaissance, | Eberlein, Donaldson Harold |
1915 | Gothic architecture in France, England, and Italy, | Jackson, Graham Thomas |
1911 | Treatment of neurasthenia by teaching of brain control, | Vittoz, Roger |
1912 | Modern science and anarchism, | Kropotkin, Alekseevich Petr |
1915 | What is living and what is dead of the philosophy of Hegel, | Croce, Benedetto |
1923 | The second empire | Guedalla, Philip |