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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
23-Jul-2019 | Whiplash Injury and Chronic Pain: The Anatomy and Current Interdisciplinary Approaches to Management | Shanthanna H; Gross AR |
8-Nov-2017 | Effects of Tongue Strength Training on Mealtime Function in Long-Term Care | Namasivayam-MacDonald AM; Burnett L; Nagy A; Waito AA; Steele CM |
May-2018 | Creation and Initial Validation of the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Functional Diet Scale | Steele CM; Namasivayam-MacDonald AM; Guida BT; Cichero JA; Duivestein J; Hanson B; Lam P; Riquelme LF |
9-Aug-2019 | Perception Versus Performance of Swallow Function in Residents of Long-Term Care | Namasivayam-MacDonald AM; Steele CM; Keller HH |
1-Sep-2019 | The Relationship between Texture-Modified Diets, Mealtime Duration, and Dysphagia Risk in Long-Term Care | Namasivayam-Macdonald AM; Steele CM; Carrier N; Lengyel C; Keller HH |
Dec-2017 | How Swallow Pressures and Dysphagia Affect Malnutrition and Mealtime Outcomes in Long-Term Care | Namasivayam-MacDonald AM; Morrison JM; Steele CM; Keller H |
Feb-2015 | The Influence of Food Texture and Liquid Consistency Modification on Swallowing Physiology and Function: A Systematic Review | Steele CM; Alsanei WA; Ayanikalath S; Barbon CEA; Chen J; Cichero JAY; Coutts K; Dantas RO; Duivestein J; Giosa L; Hanson B; Lam P; Lecko C; Leigh C; Nagy A; Namasivayam AM; Nascimento WV; Odendaal I; Smith CH; Wang H |
21-May-2019 | Reference Values for Healthy Swallowing Across the Range From Thin to Extremely Thick Liquids | Steele CM; Peladeau-Pigeon M; Barbon CAE; Guida BT; Namasivayam-MacDonald AM; Nascimento WV; Smaoui S; Tapson MS; Valenzano TJ; Waito AA; Wolkin TS |
May-2018 | Inadequate fluid intake in long term care residents: prevalence and determinants | Namasivayam-MacDonald AM; Slaughter SE; Morrison J; Steele CM; Carrier N; Lengyel C; Keller HH |
Oct-2016 | The effect of tongue strength on meal consumption in long term care | Namasivayam AM; Steele CM; Keller H |