Browsing by Author Bowerbank, Sylvia
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
Sep-1996 | "All of a Piece": Native Representation and Voice in American Fiction | Monture, Richard |
1985 | "By What Authority?": Women Writing in the Seventeenth Century | Bowerbank, Sylvia |
Sep-1989 | Gender and the Transformation of the Pastoral in the Seventeenth century | Montforts, Marie Donna |
1995 | Practising Multicultural Education in the English Classroom: Teaching Secondary Level English | Van, Barr Sandra |
Aug-1995 | Reading the Picturesque Eye: Eighteenth - Century Scenic Tourism and Travel Literature | Bowen, John Michael |
Sep-2002 | Reclamation of Indian Historical Icons and Indian Identity. | Jovic, Danijela |
Oct-2000 | Renovating Baconianism, reading Bacon: The fathering of science | Desroches, Dennis |
2000 | Scripting native genius: Medieval poetry and the making of British identity, 1760--1785 | Palmer, Ellen |
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8