Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
Nov-2013 | Citizen Brief: Improving Access to Palliative Care in Ontario | Gauvin, François-Pierre; Abelson, Julia; Lavis, John N. |
Feb-2014 | Citizen Brief: Improving Care and Support for People with Multiple Chronic Health Conditions in Ontario | Gauvin, François-Pierre; Wilson, Michael G.; Lavis, John N.; Abelson, Julia |
Nov-2013 | Citizen Brief: Improving End-of-Life Communication and Decision-making in Ontario | Gauvin, François-Pierre; Abelson, Julia; Lavis, John N. |
18-Mar-2020 | Engaging with Patients, Families and Caregivers to Support Ontario Health Teams | Gauvin, François-Pierre; Waddell, Kerry; Dion, Anna; Lavis, John N.; Abelson, Julia; Bullock, Heather |
May-2014 | Evidence Brief: Strengthening Public and Patient Engagement in Health Technology Assessment in Ontario | Gauvin, François-Pierre; Abelson, Julia; Lavis, John N. |
Sep-2018 | Making Sense of Social Media for Public Health Decision-makers - The Case of Childhood Immunization in Ontario | Song, Yunju |
2003 | Managing under managed community care [electronic resource] | Abelson, Julia; Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis |
Nov-2013 | Panel Summary: Improving Access to Palliative Care in Ontario | Gauvin, François-Pierre; Abelson, Julia; Lavis, John N.; Tapp, Camilla |
Feb-2014 | Panel Summary: Improving Care and Support for People with Multiple Chronic Health Conditions in Ontario | Gauvin, François-Pierre; Abelson, Julia; Lavis, John N.; Hirji, Mustafa |
Nov-2013 | Panel Summary: Improving End-of-life Communication and Decision-making in Ontario | Gauvin, François-Pierre; Abelson, Julia; Lavis, John N. |
Sep-2015 | Panel Summary: Improving Pain and Symptom Management in Cancer Care in Ontario | Moat, Kaelan A.; Abelson, Julia; Lavis, John N. |
Oct-2014 | Panel Summary: Improving the Delivery of Complex Cancer Surgeries (Charlottetown) | Moat, Kaelan; Gauvin, François-Pierre; Abelson, Julia; Lavis, John N. |
Sep-2014 | Panel Summary: Improving the Delivery of Complex Cancer Surgeries (Hamilton) | Gauvin, François-Pierre; Moat, Kaelan; Abelson, Julia; Lavis, John N. |
Oct-2014 | Panel Summary: Improving the Delivery of Complex Cancer Surgeries in Canada (Edmonton) | Gauvin, François-Pierre; Abelson, Julia; Lavis, John N.; Abu-Zeidan, Rami |
Apr-2014 | The Participation of Marginalized Populations in Health Services Planning and Decision Making | Montesanti, Rose Stephanie |
2018 | The Politics of Child Health Technologies: Social Values and Public Policy on Drug Funding for Children in Canada | Denburg, Avram Ezra |
2024 | Public engagement in health policymaking for older adults | You, Jeonghwa |
Apr-2014 | Social Networks, Research Evidence, and Innovation in Health Policymaking in Burkina Faso | Shearer, Jessica C. |
Oct-2013 | The Use of Public Involvement in Canadian Health Policy Decision-Making | Li, Kathy K. |