Browsing by Author Timusk, T.
Showing results 15 to 22 of 22
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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
Sep-1992 | The optical properties of high-T(c) superconductors grown by pulsed laser deposition | Hughes, Robert |
Sep-1995 | The Optical Properties of Pyrochlore Oxides R₂Mo₂O₇_δ (R: Sm, Gd, and Ho), The Heavy-Fermion UNi₂Al₃, and The Organic Conductor (TMTSF)₂ClO₄ | Cao, Ning |
Sep-1992 | The optical properties of R titanium oxides perovskites (R = lanthanum, cerium, praesodymium, neodymium, samarium, gadolinium) | Crandles, David A. |
2010 | Optical Spectroscopy of URu2Si2 A Search for New Features | Purdy, Sarah |
2010 | Optical Spectroscopy on High-Temperature Superconductors | Egan, Greg |
2008 | Optical Studies of Metamaterials and Bosonic Spectra of High-Tc Superconductors | Yang, Jing |
1976 | Phonon-Induced Far Infrared Absorption in Superconductors | Farnworth, Brian |
Dec-1984 | Radiative Heat Transfer in Fibre Insulations | McKay, Llewellyn Neil |
Showing results 15 to 22 of 22
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