Browsing by Author Luke, Graeme M.
Showing results 5 to 9 of 9
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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
Sep-2009 | Studies of the Ferromagnetic Superconductors URhGe and UCoGe | Williams, Travis J. |
Apr-2012 | Studies of the Low Temperature Behaviour of CoNb2O6 | Munsie, Timothy J.S. |
Aug-2009 | Study of the Dipolar Ising System LiHoxY1-xF4 Using Muon Spin Relaxation/Rotation | Rodriguez, Jose |
Nov-2017 | Synthesis and Characterization of Constrained Magnetism in Niobates | Munsie, Timothy John Sagan |
Jul-2008 | μSR and Susceptibility Studies of the Normal State of Unconventional Superconductors | MacDougall, Gregory John |
Showing results 5 to 9 of 9
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