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Item hits:
- 18 Gadsden SA
- 5 AlShabi M
- 5 Habibi SR
- 4 Al-Shabi M
- 4 Lee AS
- 3 Habibi S
- 2 Afshari HH
- 2 Hilal W
- 2 Kim J
- 2 Obaideen K
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- 19 40 Engineering
- 11 4010 Engineering Practice and Edu...
- 5 4001 Aerospace Engineering
- 4 46 Information and Computing Scie...
- 2 4602 Artificial Intelligence
- 2 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
- 1 2 Zero Hunger
- 1 30 Agricultural, Veterinary and F...
- 1 4002 Automotive Engineering
- 1 4006 Communications Engineering
- . next >
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